Blog Worship Invitations

Worship Invitations

Welcome to this week’s edition of the weekly Worship Invitation email!    Each week, during this time when we aren’t meeting together in person, we will be emailing you some ideas about how you can worship this weekend and live out our call to Love God and Love our Neighbors.   These are things you can do with all ages, in solitude or with others. 

Let us worship the Lord together in this Easter season!

The Word: This week, we will be reading together John 20:19-23.  On Sunday morning, a recorded service of worship will be available to you on the SOTH Connections FaceBook page, or by checking back on the blog.   Following the service, at 10:30am, you can join the congregation for a virtual fellowship hour on Zoom.   The access links are in your Thursday announcements email.

Action: Consider the number of hours you usually spent in the church building each week or each month, pre-pandemic. How much time did you spend in the building in worship, fellowship, volunteering, and meetings? Create a plan to experiment with spending those hours this week (or month) in worship and service in other ways. What does it look like to be sent beyond the building?

Something for our Younger Ones:  Help your kids think about what it means to be sent by God into the world.   Consider this list of ways kids can make a difference and help others: World Citizen.  

Service: See “Something for our Younger Ones” and follow the link to get some ideas!

Song:   Thank you, Emme Southwell, for providing us with some special music this week!   Check out the video below. ??

Prayer:  You are invited to join the SOTH community for a time of prayer – pausing at 6:00pm on Sunday nights, and know that others are praying with you as well.  This week, spend five minutes praying for the people of Puyallup (or the city you live in).  Then close with offering God your gratitude and praise.  

Gracious God, you have called us to be the body of Christ alive in the world.  Keep us one in faith and service, breaking bread together, and living as good news in the world, that others would see your grace, receive the gift of your love, and live with us to give you glory.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Go in peace and serve the Lord with joy.

Pastor Heather

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