Each week, during this time when we aren’t meeting together in person, we will be posting some ideas about how you can worship this weekend and live out our call to Love God and Love our Neighbors. These are things you can do with all ages, in solitude or with others.
Let us worship the Lord together as we celebrate this unique Palm Sunday!
The Word: This week, we will be reading together Mark 11:1-10. I am putting together a worship video this week as we begin Holy Week. The video will be online by 8am Sunday morning, and you can access it through the SOTH Connections FaceBook page, or by going here: www.heather-james.com
Action: Take the opportunity this Holy Week to be a constant learner. To read the accounts of Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem and journey to the cross with the backdrop of our 2020 world. To pick up a book or initiate a conversation with someone about following Jesus. Extra points if you choose someone with a different perspective than your own. Let your learning enrich your faith.
Something for our Younger Ones: This would be a good week to create your own set of Resurrection Eggs – telling the story of Holy Week one item at a time. Here is one set of instructions, but there are many online.
Service: Let’s lay down our coats for Jesus this week – do you have a winter coat you no longer use that you could donate for those in need? At the time of this writing, the Salvation Army in Puyallup (17407 Meridian E.) is still accepting donations. Or set aside your donation for when you are able to gift it to one of the shelters or organizations in your area.
Song: Enjoy this Celtic Worship version of Be Thou My Vision.
Prayer: You are invited to join the SOTH community for a time of prayer – pausing at 6:00pm on Sunday nights, and know that others are praying with you as well. This week, spend five minutes praying for members of SOTH as they come to mind. Then close with offering God your gratitude and praise.
Almighty God, Giver of all mercies, we thank you for your goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all. We bless you for creation, for the gift of life, and for the joy of the connection we share with others. We bow in gratitude for the incomparable love you have shown us by redeeming this world through the grace and gift of Jesus Christ. Fill us with wonder at the grace of your mercies, with thankfulness that we may make known your praise. All glory and honor to you, oh Lord our God. Amen.
Go in peace and serve the Lord with joy.
Pastor Heather