Welcome to this week’s Worship Invitations – ideas for how you can worship this weekend and live out our call to Love God and Love our Neighbors.These are things you can do with all ages, in solitude or with others.
Let us worship the Lord together!
The Word: Here is the President of Whitworth University, Beck Taylor, preaching on Mark 10, and what it means to let Jesus heal us and bring us sight. I found this message thoughtful and thought provoking as I think about what it means to live in both grace and truth at this moment.
Action (based on Mark 10:46-52): 1. Spend some time reflecting on how this current moment invites us to receive new sight. Is there something in this situation that is opening your eyes in a new way to faith and God’s love for you? 2. We hear the cries for mercy increasing from those sitting by the side of the road right now. Put together a few simple food and toiletry items, with a note of encouragement, in a bag (or email the office to have us leave a ‘bag of grace’ outside the office door for you) and find someone in need to give it to this week. As an alternative, consider a gift to a local food bank instead.
Something for our Younger Ones: Given the timing, I just can’t resist – here is a link to one of my favorite Veggie Tale excerpts – The Story of St. Patrick . Like the sermon on Mark 10, this has to do with grace and truth, but also with bravery and perseverance. Enjoy!
Service: Make a plan to be a “stealth blesser” for one of your neighbors this week. Leave a note of encouragement on their doorstep, use chalk to decorate the sidewalk along your street, drop off a treat (probably best to be pre-packaged rather than homemade given the circumstances), or a roll of toilet paper tied with a bow.
Song: Sheri shared this great version of Hold On to the Rock. Take a listen, and you might even want to tap your toes and sing along!
Prayer: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us. We want to see. Help us open our hands to receive your care, and open our hearts to care for others in your name. Amen.
Friends, may the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Go in peace and serve the Lord with joy.
Pastor Heather
3 replies on “Worship Invitations”
Love listening to great is our faithfulness sang along outside it warmed my heart and soul thank you so much
Dear Heather, Erin, and Sheri,
Thank you so much for this gift of Word and song. You have brought us together into His presence.
Stay safe and secure in the knowledge that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus!
Thank you Heather, Erin, and Sheri – Your gift is really touching. Brought tears to my eyes to see each of your lovely faces and hear ‘the Word’, the song, and your voices. Very lovely. I miss you all. Thank you for taking the time to make a perfect gift for ‘such a time as this’. Love and God Bless, Heidi Ormond. Thanks also to Rose Marie Heath and Ruth Kinnon for their phone calls and reminders to stay in touch. Lovely!