Grace for Today


I loved being in worship with my congregation at Japanese Presbyterian this morning. The songs and spoken word resonated with themes of being loved and held in the midst of difficult things. It was an encouraging way to transition from work to medical leave and a time of healing.

The next few weeks are full, but also intentionally planned to be restful and peaceful. Ocean and mountains. People and solitude. Movement and stillness. With a few pre-op appointments thrown in for good measure.

Thank you for wanting to follow along and stand with me in hope as we navigate this next step of surgeries, treatment, and intervention. I’m grateful to have you by my side.

Hope With Me:

  • For deep rest, lots of laughter, and thoughtful conversations over the next few weeks.
  • For the first surgery (lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy) to be successful in removing all the breast cancer with clear margins. (I am hoping for cancer-free lymph nodes as well!)
  • For peace during the waiting times—waiting for surgery, waiting for pathology reports, waiting for follow up appointments.

3 replies on “Rest”

We are with you Heather, all the way – with prayer and support – whatever is needed. May you find the waiting a time for rest. And, whenever you need a cup of tea on the front porch with a friend, please call on one or two of us!

Always in our thoughts,

Praying for a relaxing time with Hana and good reports on your health progress. You are in our hearts and prayers Heather.

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