Leadership Learning Groups

Our health as leaders depends on our connections with one another, and our willingness to grow and engage in our own transformation as we lead. We are better together.

In a moment where our community life is shaped by a global pandemic and deep pain over racial injustice and economic disparity, the call of leadership holds a weight and gravity unlike ever before. What you do in this moment matters.

You are invited to join a small group of pastors and leaders as we look at what it means to lead in this time towards greater justice, equity, and genuine human connection.

Groups will meet online three times over the course of six weeks. All are welcome to participate. All are required to bring a willingness to learn, a commitment to respectful conversation, and a desire to position ourselves as leaders who listen with humility and hope.

Our inaugural study will be David W. Swanson’s Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity. There are many possible guides for this moment, and we hope this one will be a place to start as we consider how to lead and encourage our people in their work for justice and wholeness for all people.

Sign up now to join this Leadership Learning Group, and Heather will contact you with more information.