Grace for Today

Giving Thanks

As I reflect on the power of gratitude this morning, I was reminded once again of the gift of this support community in our lives. Thank you for walking with us over the past several months. For your well wishes and prayers for my recovery, your tangible support in so many ways, and your willingness to carry hope for us in it all.

It has been a few weeks since my last post. Radiation was a difficult experience and I am so very grateful to have finished the treatment and be in a healing phase from its effects.

It was a gift to have a great team of technicians who cared for me in the process. My side effects have been minimal and radiation was the final step of invasive treatments. While I will continue with regular monitoring and medications, I am celebrating the opportunity to move on into a new season of life.

This week, I have been reflecting on the words “tune my heart” from the hymn Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. The work of tuning a voice, an instrument, and a heart takes time. We grow in skill and the ability to bring forth grace-filled tones as we faithfully practice and learn.

These several months of treatment have been a part of my tuning. The words of Psalm 137:4 come to mind: How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? Singing songs of grace and hope in the midst of grief and disruption is a calling worth the work of tuning.

Thank you for the ways you have held and supported us as I was learning new ways to tune my heart in a difficult season. And thank you for continuing to walk with us in hope for healing and new life.

Hope With Me:

  • For continued healing from the effects of treatment. Particularly for the return of my energy and focus.
  • For continuing to learn to tune my heart and life to rest and restoration. It is my hope to re-enter my life with better balance and a commitment to the healthy practices I have learned in this process.
  • For wisdom to prioritize work that brings healing and hope in our world.
Grace for Today

✅ Radiation Day 1

I’m deeply grateful for the many encouraging words you shared with us after my last post. Thank you for cheering us on, praying for us, and offering support in tangible ways.

It has been a long haul since the discovery of the abscess on August 12. Wound care and aspirating the seroma (emptying the fluid build up in the tumor cavity) has taken me to the hospital 3-5 days a week, and there were times where I thought this was my new permanent reality. The original treatment plan has changed week by week and the process has felt a bit rudderless.

Finally, in early October we started seeing significant improvement in both the wound and the seroma. This progress lifted my spirits. Then about a week ago, my medical team gave me the green light to begin radiation treatment. I have met with all three doctors to talk over the pros and cons of radiation, given the significant delay to starting treatment. After much discussion and deliberation, I am confident that moving forward with radiation is wise and will bring healing.

Today was the first treatment. The radiation treatment team did a great job preparing me with a dress rehearsal yesterday and plenty of time to talk through the steps and expectations. I will be going daily, Monday through Friday, through mid November.

I will also be returning to work next week. I’m grateful to be able to return to a job I love with people we have missed. While the next several weeks will be a bit of a balancing act, and I will need to work and play at a slower pace as the cumulative effects of the radiation treatment mount, I am looking forward to the change of focus.

In other news, we just celebrated Hana’s 14th birthday with great fanfare and joy. She continues to be a thoughtful and kind companion both in life and in this cancer navigation. I’m grateful for her presence in the world.

Hope With Me:

  • For the side effects of radiation therapy to be minimal and manageable.
  • For the radiation therapy to be effective in eradicating any rogue cancer cells.
  • For wisdom as I prioritize rest and healing during treatment and also joyfully return to the work I love.
  • Giving thanks for the many ways our community of friends and family have sustained us through the past 3 months.

For those wanting other ideas about how to walk with us in this process, you can scroll down past the other updates and find a “Ways You Can Help” list below.

Grace for Today


It’s been a long couple weeks with all the expected highs and lows. With significant uncertainty about the best next step, it’s been hard to know what to communicate with others. Thank you for your continued prayers, words of encouragement, and support. It means so much in the ups and downs of this time.

Wanting to share some sort of update with you, I’ve been reflecting on what has happened over the past two weeks and what we do know about what is next. No trigger warning needed as I will spare you the details, but everything seems to revolve around needles.

💉 The thyroid molecular test returned with a low cancer threat, so I am grateful to be able to lay that concern aside. The molecular test was done about six weeks ago with several large biopsy needles. The material removed was sent to a lab and the report came back a few days ago. My ENT surgeon will continue to monitor my thyroid health yearly with ultrasounds, and no further intervention will be necessary as long as everything stays the same.

💉 I went through my radiation simulation a few days ago, and was given tattooed marks that will help the radiation doctor and technicians line me up in the machine for treatment. Right now, I’m scheduled to begin radiation treatment at the end of September, and will go five days a week for four weeks.

💉 The start date for treatment is unknown as I am still being treated for a seroma—fluid that is collecting in the space left when the tumor was removed. Usually, seromas are emptied and addressed in reconstruction surgery. Because my reconstruction turned into an abscess management surgery, the seroma went untouched. The surgical team began to address the issue a few weeks later as it became clear I was no longer a candidate for reconstruction.

Initially, aspirating 💉 the seroma yielded about 160ml of fluid (almost two specimen vials full). We are down to about 70ml per time, and are stepping up the aspiration schedule to every other day. In a perfect world, the seroma would be healed (no longer filling with fluid) before radiation begins. As radiation progresses, the tissue is no longer able to absorb fluid and the seroma would be come a chronic condition where the discomfort it causes would be permanent. However, we are nearing the end of the time frame when starting radiation would still be considered an effective treatment option. The ongoing management of the tumor site and abscess has really upset the normal sequence of events.

It’s been difficult to navigate the different care teams and seeking answers to my question about the effectiveness, safety, and timing of radiation treatment. My frustration level has been high as the different teams seem to have different opinions. Yesterday I was able to talk with my cancer surgeon about my concerns and was grateful for her assurance that she would make the connections needed to get the answers I am seeking.

I’m tired. But trusting that what is murky will come clear. What is sharp will soften over time. And that at some point, there will be an end to this part of my life. I’m ready to shift my energy to something more life-giving (I recognize the irony in that statement) but for now I will continue to put my energy into healing and holding on to hope.

On another note, Hana is glad to be an eight grader and back in school with her friends! It’s volleyball season and our next several weeks are filled with games and tournaments. Unfortunately, she’s caught the obligatory beginning-of-school illness and recovery has been slow. She is looking forward to being back to full strength and her full schedule soon.

Hope With Me:

  • For the seroma to be resolved and healed.
  • For that healing and resolution to happen before radiation begins, AND in time for radiation to still be an effective treatment option.
  • For my own energy and outlook as I navigate between doctors, opinions, personal conviction, and treatments.
  • For Hana’s return to health, and that I would stay healthy during this back-to-school season.
  • Giving thanks for the good thyroid report and taking that treatment plan off my plate.
Grace for Today

Another Step

It’s been an intense week of ups and downs. Grateful for the care of this community and your willingness to cheer me on through these challenging days.

I’m grateful to report a couple things today.

First, the wound is showing signs of healthy closure, and the nurse verified that the antibiotics are working. She anticipates that we will wrap up this management phase next week and then just need to monitor for healthy signs of healing.

In addition, the surgeon’s office has arranged for me to see another plastic surgeon and get a second opinion regarding the reconstruction. This seems complicated as there are technical moving parts trying to get the wound healed, and move into the next cancer treatment phase. It may be that the window is truly closed, but it seems wise to gather more information and find out all my options.

Last but not least, my tumor’s Oncotype DX score was low (20 out of 100) which means no chemo. I’m moving straight to radiation and medication to help reduce the risk of recurrence.

At the end of a hard week, this morning was refreshing to body, mind, and spirit. It still feels like a technical climb, but without quite so much scree.

Hope With Me:

  • Gratitude for today’s good news all the way around.
  • For good rest in the midst of wound care, medical decisions, and anticipation of what is to come.
  • For our family as school starts up. For new good habits, healthy choices, and the joy of renewed friendship.For our family as school starts up. For new good habits, healthy choices, and the joy of renewed friendship.
  • For healing for this wound and patience with the process.
Grace for Today


Back when I was posting on the previous platform, I said that I would prefer not to call this experience a season, a journey, or an adventure. Instead, I used the word navigate. Somehow I need to navigate this experience. Some days it feels like an obstacle. Other days it’s more of a stalled engine. Today, it feels like mountain climbing. On scree. With no ropes.

The infection continues to need attention – I was given ten additional days of the stronger antibiotic with hope that the greater dose would do the trick. I continue to have the wound management protocols, although yesterday the nurse came up with an alternative method that is far less invasive and requires less intervention. Let’s call that a win.

The second surgery, reconstruction, has been cancelled. Given the infection, and another ongoing issue with the lumpectomy site, the surgeon does not feel it is wise to do anything further. If everything went according to plan, we might be able to manage the timing of surgery and upcoming cancer treatments, but he is not willing to risk a complication that would delay the cancer care.

On Friday, I will meet with the oncologist for a review of the tumor’s oncotype score and find out his recommendation for necessary treatment. Having the second surgery cancelled will make this process a bit more straight forward, but for today it still feels like sliding back on scree.

Friday will bring its own challenges, but we will navigate them when they come. We brought our dog back home from the kennel today which brings joy and lots of furry snuggles. Hana has started volleyball practices for her school’s MS team and is delighted to be back on the court with her friends. This weekend will hold some fun time with both family and friends—an opportunity to rest and play a bit before dropping Hana off at school for the first day of 8th grade this week. All in all, we are doing well. And there are brighter days ahead.

Hope With Me:

  • For good rest in the midst of wound care, medical decisions, and anticipation of what is to come.
  • For our family as school starts up. For new good habits, healthy choices, and the joy of renewed friendship.
  • For healing for this wound and patience with the process.
Grace for Today

Unexpected Turn

On Monday morning bright and early, I checked in for surgery #2. We thought we were on track, and the nurses and doctor working with me were optimistic about a successful procedure.

Once I was asleep and on the table, the doctor discovered an abscess deep in the lymph node incision from surgery #1. It was extensive, and problematic. While I was still under anesthesia, the doctor was able to clean out the infection and start a protocol for healing. I woke up to find out that things hadn’t gone according to plan.

While the set back is a small disappointment, my greater emotion was relief. I had been in great pain for about a week—I had been in three times to have it looked at, but the problem went undiagnosed. Wound management has proven to be painful and exhausting, but is considerably more tolerable that last week’s unexplained and debilitating pain.

We have a plan for treatment for the next couple weeks, and then I will go back to meet with the second surgeon and hopefully receive a go ahead for the surgery to be rescheduled.

I’m deeply grateful for family and friends who have stayed with me, provided much needed nursing care (wound care I am unable to do for myself), and cared for Hana’s needs while I’m unable to drive and manage basic household tasks. We feel incredibly loved and supported.

Hope With Me:

  • For total healing of this infection
  • For a rescheduled surgery #2 that won’t be in conflict with other ongoing oncology treatment plans
  • For pain to continue to subside
  • For laughter with friends and family as I seek to heal in body, mind, and spirit

Grace for Today

Managing Expectations

This has been a full week of post-op exams, another thyroid biopsy, pre-op appointments for next week’s reconstruction surgery, and calls related to bills and scheduling. When I was diagnosed, I was told this was now my full time job. This week was overtime.

The second thyroid biopsy came back with the same pathology as the first, but the surgeon took extra tissue that is now being sent out for molecular testing to determine whether the masses in my thyroid need to be removed or simply monitored. It will be a couple weeks before we know.

In the same way, the tumor removed during surgery #1 is also being sent out for additional testing. While we received the good news that the lymph nodes and margins were cancer free, the size of the tumor is concerning. Particularly, the 2.1 cm of invasive cancer that was wrapped up in the 6cm of non-invasive cancer. The Oncotype DX genomic testing will help us determine whether there is a high risk of recurrence, and whether chemotherapy would help lower that risk.

I have follow-up appointments with both the oncologist and the thyroid surgeon in early September to discuss the results of the tests. At that time, the oncologist will recommend the next step in treatment of both the breast cancer and thyroid. I am currently managing my expectations and will be grateful to have a plan for whatever next steps help me get to a cancer-free outcome. Chemo, radiation, and ongoing medication are all still on the table as treatment options.

In other news, Hana had a wonderful couple weeks staying with friends in Kennewick, WA and Asheville, NC while I was recovering from surgery #1. She flew across the country on her own and came back with awesome stories and beautiful pictures (the one on this post was taken by our friend Erin in NC). It’s been great to watch her thrive this summer. While she was gone, I stayed with my parents for several nights and enjoyed their gracious hospitality and good company. With my wonderful aunt and uncle next door, it felt great to be surrounded by family. Win win. Win win win.

Hope With Me:

  • Timely results from both the molecular and genomic testing.
  • Grace and strength for the next steps, whatever they might be.
  • For time with family and friends as this summer break draws to a close. Leaning in for meaningful connection, celebration, and rest.
  • As always, you can scroll to the bottom of this page for other ways to help.
Grace for Today

Forward Motion

Thank you for the many ways you have come around us with provisions, encouragement, help with heavy lifting, and other tangible assists. This morning I am particularly grateful to so many people who have engaged Hana in some new adventures as well as time with old friends. Thank you for helping us both navigate this summer with laughter and love.

Healing from surgery 1 has been a slow road. I am doing well, and still needing to manage pain and swelling as the tissue recovers.

The pathology report came back with good news. The tumor was a 6cm mass of ductal carcinoma (non-invasive form of breast cancer) with areas of invasive cancer within it. There was no cancer found in the margins of the tumor or within the lymph nodes biopsied. I will be meeting with my oncologist this coming week to discuss the treatment path from here.

My oncologist also sent me to an ENT specialist for further study of the masses in my thyroid. He was very helpful, and also slowed the process down a bit assuring me that we can take steps to understand what is happening in my thyroid without needing to do immediate surgery. I will be going in on Monday for a second thyroid biopsy that will be more extensive and also include molecular testing of the masses so that we know whether surgery will be needed.

My dance card is full this week as I move through these appointments along with beginning physical therapy and doing surgery pre-op appointments for the next surgery happening the week of August 12.

Hope With Me:

  • For the biopsy of the thyroid to be effective in helping us understand next steps needed and for those masses to be benign.
  • For continued rest and restoration of my energy.
  • For continued healing of the swelling and management of pain from the first surgery.
  • For laughter and joyful time with friends and family as we continue to make the most of the summer we’ve been given.

For those wanting other ideas about how to walk with us in this process, you can scroll down past the other updates and find a “Ways You Can Help” list below.

Grace for Today

✅ Surgery #1

I woke up yesterday morning with the thought ‘Today’s going to be a good day.’

It was. The care team at the Regional Cancer Center was amazing. My surgeon was the right expert in the right place at the right time. The tumor has been removed, and I’m resting comfortably at my parents’ home, sleeping in a cozy arm chair that is full of fond memories.

The sleepiness and brain fog of the anesthesia are still with me. The surgical site is sore, but we’ve found a rhythm of meds that seem to be keeping the worst of it at bay. Going slow will be the theme for a while.

There were some lovely moments of robust laughter with surgeon and staff, the thoughtful care of the pre- and post- op teams, deep gratitude for my family’s support, and the way I could feel you all holding me up. Thank you for holding us in light, love, and hope.

Hope With Me:

  • For an effective pathology report that will give us a clear path for treatment.
  • As always, holding on to hope that the lymph nodes will be cancer free.
  • For good rest and pain management.
Grace for Today

Rested and Ready

It’s been a great two weeks of time with friends, mountains, water, and rest. I’m on my fourth Inspector Gamache novel and well into Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg. I’ve hiked, napped, and enjoyed long conversations with dear friends in beautiful settings.

During my time at Holden Village, a friend asked what goals or hopes we had for our time there. It was a great question and helped me focus my time on the things that really mattered – deep connection with others, laughter, and being grounded in creation (or earthing). I spent time everyday barefoot in the grass, looking up at the mountains, and cold dipping in the river. I sat on the porch with friends, enjoying good coffee and conversation or playing improv games and celebrating space monkeys.

The week at Holden followed a few nights of camping with a dear friend out at the coast. It gave us a chance to escape the heat, play Triominos, and enjoy the sound of the ocean in the dark of night.

My heart is full. I’m rested. I’m ready.

The first cancer surgery happens this week. Step one is a lumpectomy where they will remove the tumor and surrounding tissue, as well as 6-8 lymph nodes on my left side. There’s a wildly amazing process by which they inject an agent that will travel from the tumor site up through the lymph system. The surgeon will remove the first (sentinel) node and several of the next tier nodes. The pathology of the tumor and the lymph nodes will be what determines the treatment moving forward: chemo, radiation, and/or medication.

I will have about 2 weeks to recover from the lumpectomy and then if all goes as planned, I will have the second surgery (reconstruction) the week of August 12.

In addition, I have an appointment this Friday with the ENT surgeon who will be helping me understand my options for addressing the suspicious masses they discovered in my thyroid.

Thank you to so many who have offered us help, sent words of encouragement, provided gift cards for food delivery, donated to help cover medical costs, showed up to mow my lawn and weed the flower beds… the list goes on. Hana and I are so very grateful for your care and support in both words and deeds. Thank you for being the community that is holding us in this different sort of time.

Hope With Me:

  • For an effective and successful surgery this week to remove the cancer and figure out the best next steps for treatment.
  • Peace for myself and my family as we walk through the days ahead.
  • For the willingness to learn how to “do very little slowly” as I give my body time to heal and recover. (Credit to Lionel Hardcastle in As Time Goes By for that helpful description.)